Hello, I’m Nick Parker.
Mostly, I’m a writer.

I’m the founder of , a language strategy studio that helps brands find their voice, tell their stories, and explain their things. Which led to creating That Explains Things, the ‘simple-yet-sophisticated’ method for nailing a brand’s tone of voice, and the Voicebox mental model. I have newsletters: 11 Primary Voices shares examples of brands with their tone of voice really dialled in; and Tone Knob The Notices is about words, ideas, living well and, um, things I notice. My latest book ‘might change how you read forever’. This introduction was meant to elegantly capture the essence of my stuff. But I think it might be a On Readinglist of fish.
Nail your brand’s tone of voice
Voicebox contains everything you need to nail your brand’s tone of voice: from research and workshops, to creative exploration and writing your guidelines. Find your voice. Speak to the world .
On Reading: Provocations, consolations and suggestions for reading more freely.
‘Simple, entertaining and infinitely re-readable, this little book has liberated me from habits and assumptions I didn’t even know I had.’ Robert Poynton. Author of Do Pause.